Yeah, the deep state recruited a 20 year old with no military experience or training to pull off the assassination of a former president. Makes perfect sense.

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Hahaha the cult recruited and young white right wing angry American incel to make A Martyr out of the bombastic bawler.


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Holy crap he’s completely gone off

The rails. They need to lock him up.

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Get a job, Alex!

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This was a set up with a Manchurian Candidate - candidate complete from calling off President Trump’s normal SS detail - just like Dallas 11-22-1963

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BS you are a liar and a con and your cult is done.

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what a loser troll you are - unhappy frustrated alone hiding behind the cyber veil - a total loser afraid and untrained for life - go outside - be with people put the fucking internet away - live life learn life learn people love people - you will be happy and grateful I gave you this advise and this is no cult this is a way of life just as Christianity is not a religion it is a way of life and reality - this is reality I am exposing you to -- try it you will be grateful I took the time to inform you of what is lost with this computer generations

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Hahajajaja fraud crime corruption Christianity and religion…Can’t tell the difference these days with the maga cult the fascist cult the christofascist cult Christonationalism.

So in incompetent And

Corrupt. Now he’s hired someone to shoot AT him. He never got shot. He got a

Wee glass

Cut oh boo boo.


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Christianity is a not a way of life, it’s an illusion that if you’re a good boy, you get a biscuit called heaven. The problem is Christians are just as mean and nasty as other people and they still get a biscuit if they are considered β€œsaved” no matter how shitty they are.

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if you piss off a human you'll get mean and nasty - Christianity is a way of life, it is not a religion. Religions are human inventions. I learned the supernatural spending 3 years with a Lakota medicine man going through sweat lodges, I did with the Bible said, test the spirits (1st John 4:1-2), and called out to God and Jesus, If you are real prove it to me and no matter what, show my the truth - I suspect you are not ready for that and will find out like most others or are you man or woman enough to test the spirits yourself? Or continue to live in negative BS? Other than that I am not going to get into a debate with a troll taking pot shots - that not why I decided to try Substack after being off all social media for years.

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Hallucinations? Nobody called you except the voices in your head.

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Yes Trump is done that is why he is leading by double of Joe Biden, oh wait he did not wait to lose he quit

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Hahahaha awe looks like maggots are losing their shit today. The oldest most

Demented person they could have picked. Hanabahahahaha losing ticket. Boom πŸ€‘πŸŽ―πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

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Ya that’s why he is ahead by far so if that is a losing ticket then, I will get tired of winning

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Whining you mean. Cult of whiners. Nothing else going for them πŸ€‘πŸŽ―πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

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Ya because being ahead in the polls means it’s not going good for Trump you🀑

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Alex Jones used to be a real truth teller. Exposing the hoaxes. His reporter at the Boston Bombing Conference kept asking the mayor and police chief if Boston cops were shouting through bullhorns "This is only a drill" which it was. They walked off the stage. Now Alex is a gatekeeper

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He’s a whacko like many on the cult right

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Alex Jones is right Kevin Kenneth kinky the hot right winger from Green Bay Wisconsin and this walk is a bullshit is got to stop that’s retarded. These transgender like Obama Barry Santos and his husband big Mike oh man that plays a woman to are trannys and both men but one plays the women Big Mike Obama Husband this woke sick shit is really stupidity and the Muslims got that Right how stupidity of transgender what your born with between your legs is what the hell you are period / Kaiser Bush, Budweiser, Anheuser, Busch and tractor supply found out how stupid they were by losing $20, billion-$200 billion by saying they back this really really stupid walk movement for the homosexual lesbian gay transgender it cost them billions of dollars and losses and taverns of real people drinking Budweiser and taverns owners in saloon owners quit serving Budweiser and tractor supplies general manager or president stepped down for being so stupid and stepped down and resigned for stupidity lost the company, tractor supply and Budweiser billions of dollars for stupid for these ignorant, stupid people tranny transgender Kevin Kenneth Koehnke The Right winger Republicans fACT BAbY

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Did you forget that the orange loser is a rapist?

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Did you forget the senile old man is a rapist?

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I do know that, yes. But our founders wanted to make sure it was not JUST a Christian country, isn’t that right? Something about the constitution or something.

What kids are during because of Biden?

Biblical principles? You’ll have to expand on that for me. Like not killing people or having slaves?

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Agreed they did want it to be more than just a Christian nation, but this nation was based on those principles.

Right and wrong are the principles that are judaeo-Christian that they used.

The founders did not want a state religion one that everyone had to go to or be apart of it. But had no problem with the church being in the state.

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I can’t agree. Right and wrong sounds great but nowhere in the bible does it say that keeping slaves is wrong. So the FF’s didn’t think it was wrong. It doesn’t mean they got everything wrong, obviously, but slavery? Right and wrong depends on your own values, not religious values.

For example, I have never raped anyone. Not because the bible says but because I choose to not be evil.

Isn’t there a constitutional requirement of separation of church and state?

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But what is evil? And what’s the opposite?

There is no constitutional requirement. There are those who misinterpret a letter written by a founder but there is nothing in the constitution. There is a separation of the state from the church but not the other way around

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Who? Anyone who votes for any rapist is telling the world that they are ok with women being raped. That means your mum, sisters, wife and daughters, right? Have some dignity for fucks sake.

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Correct so why would you vote for Biden?

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I never said I would. It’s beyond my comprehension that anyone with even a fraction of morality or ability to think for themselves would believe anything orange hitler says. He is going to be a dictator, he said it himself (one of the few true things he has said). Everything he claims is utter nonsense, fact check it yourself. His wife is an immigrant, is he going to lock her up and deport her? Of course not, because he’s a liar. He’s an utter failure of a human and his failed business record proves he’s a fraud. His many lost court cases prove it. He still claims the last election was stolen ffs. What an absolute and obvious lie. He’s a failure and how he behaves is an embarrassment to the country. He made America the laughing stock of the world, other world leaders openly laughing at him in public says a lot. I know, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but he is a truly awful, disgusting human being. He is the worst of people.

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It seems to be maga or die and don’t dare criticise dear leader. Sounds like North Korea.

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And yet, and yet, he is leading in the polls. Does that not tell you about your candidate?

Also Trump did not say he would be dictator, that is the lefts way of twisting what he said

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Yup 12 year olds is thumpers best pick.

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First it was a 13 year old now it’s a 12 year old. Please if your going to defame the former President at least get your smear campaign straight

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He rapes 12 and 13 year

olds. As Well As 16 and 17. So basicly he tapes 12 to….. how old was Ejean? His wife ivana said he raped her.

He doesn’t care the age. He’s so weak and feeble

Minded any rape will

Do. Power for the powerless.

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Right well since the rapist has quit all we have now is a slut running for office. So I guess Trump is in good company

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I don’t have the answer, I do know that we need to be given better choices that senile old men though.

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Good chat. It’s nice to have a conversation with a different opinion without it devolving to name calling.

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Not a fan of punctuation then?

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Magnanimous! Jones is going off the chain in that, balilistic on X !

"Stop those fkn people dead in their tracks!". Get it on X when it's streaming, post the link for us too, brutha! :-)

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Omg these people are brain dead

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Lose your studio loser Alex Jones! Owes millions for all his lies and he is still at it!

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"Fuck Alex Jones and every one of you idiots who believe his anti-American lies!"

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Make no mistake, this man is a lunatic.

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We will never know for sure. These agencies are conducting their own investigation. They will show us what they want us to see and tell us what they want us to hear. We can no longer trust them.

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Maybe they need to interview the Trump campaign πŸŽ―πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ˆπŸ»πŸ€«

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Or the Biden campaign since he is losing horribly the only way he could possibly win is take Trump out

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Awe look at the incel now. Having a struggle with a woman president. Black to boot. Must be hard…. Brad. Strong black women taking the orange bag of shit trash out. πŸ€‘πŸŽ―πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

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Hahahaha yeah when you find out the false flag was organized by Trump….. πŸ€‘πŸŽ―πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

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You don’t get it. It doesn’t matter who they interview. They will tell us what they want us to hear and show us what they want us to see. Just like in North Korea, China, Iran, and your favorite country, Russia.

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This man is delusion!

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Pay your bills. You owe millions to people you persecuted!!!

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New job for Alex Jones since he needs the money: stand up comedian.

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Why are we giving this proven asshat any time at all? I would rather listen to Trump’s rant again than anything this minor devil would say! He is possibly the worst human being on earth!

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