OMG is that a real picture if him😂😱😳

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Yeah it is.

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You know people dress up on Halloween? That’s the day the rest of th as was e Z country tries to look like democrats.

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>the rest of th as was e Z country

Are you having a stroke, Sergey?

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No im not vaxxed

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You need to roll off back to “Truth” Social, comrade; you’ll pull in more rubles-per-rube there…

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Aug 12
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What a zinger. Did the media give you those talking points? I am sure you did not come up with them yourself.

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I think Trump released it so he can dump Vance. The computer hacking is a cover. It's how Republicans get rid of Republicans causing trouble like Madison Cawthorn.

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How many times have we seen glaring examples of not just the prolific liar Trump’s hypocrisy, but so many republicans declaring their stance on political and morality issues, only to be found acting otherwise. Their dishonesty, corruption and venality are there for all to see. Boebert, Taylor Greene, Gaetz and Hawley are always pontificating about law and order and family values and pro life. They haven’t a scintilla of decency amongst their corrupt ranks.

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Great story. Although you clearly upset a couple of trolls......

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Sorry to burst your bubble but I grew up

In the area and we had a switch day for FHA and FFA it was fun done by seniors.

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Today my favorite photo has a Smokey look

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lol the idiocy of the left thinking they have a “gotcha”. I am sure of one thing, he was not reading to little kids.

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Oh look, first comment as always from a Russian troll trying to make excuses for Putin's treasonous GOP candidates.

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People still hung up on Russia Russia Russia by calling people names like Vlad or Russian Troll only prove their deep brainwashing to believe Hillary’s Russian Collusion lie. So you ‘re still believing the lies are you?

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Oh, look the clown that is a troll trying to make a pointless comment.

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You seem upset. Does this picture of JD Vance in drag upset you?

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Nope not upset. And no his picture doesn’t bother me at all.

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Because drag is only wrong when Democrats do it, but it's fine when Republicans wear drag? Is that how Russian propaganda works, Sergey?

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Troll, it is not about which party is doing it, it why. Dems want to do it to indoctrinate kids. They want to prey on kids. So in that sense I guess it is wrong when Dems do it.

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He’s stunning and brave. I can’t wait to hear his story on how he outgrew his dysmorphia and how he is so grateful his Mamaw fought off the big pharma butchers and fat lesbian cat ladies trying to transgender him…

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According to your mentally ill people he can’t “outgrow” it. And considering he was not wanting to Indoctrinate little kids, not sure what is wrong with what he did. You leftist are deranged that you don’t want to understand the real issue

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So what you’re saying is that if someone is mentally ill and wants to hurt themselves you should encourage that?

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So if I see a mentally ill man and they say that they are a woman I can ignore that and call them a man like they actually are? I don’t have to go along with their insanity?

It’s not acceptance but indoctrination by the media and schools. They accept are be ostracized. That is the reality of today.

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If you believe someone is mentally ill, do you really think that “straight talking” is going to help in any way?

Why do you want to make them *more* distressed and possibly exacerbate their illness?

It’s particularly cruel and nasty to want to cause more pain to someone you know is suffering.

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Dumbest comment I’ll read today. Being mentally ill and being trans is apples and oranges. They are definitely not the same. Only an ignorant bigot would equate the two. You might try educating yourself on what being trans entails, but I suspect you’ll never do that because it would lead to reality. Your bigotry is more comfortable.

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Whoever you are, funny how up until now trans was a mental illness until the politicians saw it as a special interest group to manipulate so they go along with this nonsense which is criminal in of itself. The fact that you believe this garbage shows just how brainwashed you are

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Lol. Second dumbest comment. It’s not a crime to be trans. There have been trans people throughout history. Just like there have been bigots throughout history. You know, your kind of people. Trans people are no threat to you, but you’ll just keep playing that same “brainwashed” card.

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This is so dumb. They think “we got him” lol. They have no idea what’s in the mind of MAGA.

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Aug 12
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Yao, considering you don’t know a thing unless the media tells what to think, what people do as adults I couldn’t care less about. That is the difference between conservatives and leftist. Leftist use to say what happens in private is no one’s business. Now they demand that we endorse that behavior. The issue if you were paying attention and not being spoon feed by leftist, is that the left wants to indoctrinate the next generation. You know that and everyone else knows this.

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No, no one is asking you to endorse anything except minding your own business. The next generation isn’t being indoctrinated, they just don’t have a problem with LGBTQ or drag queens. It’s called acceptance.

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Looks like a high school costume and way back when he was a teenager. Yall are stupid. TDS

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Yea a decades old picture of girls kiddin around. Yall idiots damn

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Caption: I 💙 Revlon

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He’s in a costume. If that is what ya’ll call “drag” then all your trannies are in Costumes now? Ok. Costumes because your trannies are pretending? To be women? Doesn’t make sense. Explain please.

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No, drag queens wear drag. Trans people dress the way any man or woman would. Does that help?

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So you’re OK with the Democrats dressing however they want but not Republicans? Is that mean you’re a hypocrite? Please explain.

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And we mostly have distain for the fucking hypocrites that you fucking leftist assholes are

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If a Republican is a drag queen I assume they’ll dress in drag, which is fine. If a Republican is trans I assume they’ll dress according to if they are a trans man or a trans woman which is fine.

Somebody needs to call Art and tell him to take his lover home

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So why exactly is Vance in Costume being ridiculed by the Leftists? I still don’t understand what you people’s problem with it is? Unless of course, Leftist hypocrisy, which is what I’m beginning to suspect from your kind Leftsplanations.

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Because he and all the right wing nut jobs are quite vocal in their disdain for drag queens and trans people. Don’t like the tit for tat? Tough shit. It’s been earned.

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Aug 19
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We don’t have disdain for trans people or homosexuals, we have disdain for people like you shoving them down our fucking throats every two seconds of every day. We have disdain for you nut jobs cutting the genitals off of minors and pumping them full of puberty blockers and lying to them that they’ll magically become the other gender. we have disdain for you people letting pervert, dressed as women read to your toddlers in the library. We have disdain for your baby murder/genocide that you pretend is healthcare. We have disdain for you because you have ruined women’s sports for everyone and you want perv men to be able to go into women’s bathrooms and go into women’s sports and win all the rewards and get the college scholarships. Make no mistake, the right doesn’t disdain, tranny, or homosexuals, we distain the Left’s filth and lies. Does that clear it up for you lefty?

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All it does is clear up the fact that you are a nut job. Instead of spewing nonsense, why not educate yourself about trans folk instead of cutting and pasting propaganda? Nah, it’s easier to just bullshit. 🙄

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Which part of what I said was nonsense? I watched the Olympics and I watched a male boxers beat up the females. I watched the last year where your mentally ill men dressed as women trying to compete in sporting events with women. Do you deny that happened? I watched plenty of news where your penis choppers are chopping the penises in the breasts off of minors. So which part was I spewing that wasn’t true you dumb Leftist Cunt? I got news for you, no amount of laws that you assholes manage to get passed are going to succeed in forcing the rest of us to think any differently about you. We think you’re stupid, hypocrites and liars, besides being immoral and perverted and debased fools. Are we clear douchebag?

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Aug 19
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Ahhh ok. Leftist Hypocrisy it is. I figured.

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I liked that JD Vance or JD Hamel or whoever he was much better than the current creep.

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Oh look Zelensky’s salad tosser disengaged for a minute to present a picture of his mom.

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That must have been back before he liked Trump. He looks like a Harris voter.

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Oh look! Another Russian troll trying to do damage control.

That's how you know a story is a big deal, when it draws all the Russian trolls out of the woodwork, to claim that it's not a big deal.


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