Trump has been a Russian asset since the '90s. Why so many stupid fucking Americans can't figure this out is mind-boggling. Aside from the fact he has been convicted of multiple felonies including rape.

We have brave men still alive today that fought in World War II against people exactly like Trump and Putin...... but yet some of the children and grandchildren of these brave men are about to vote for dictator Don.

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Sadly, the brainwashed maga cult members will never believe it. At the same time they are calling Kamala Harris a commie, Putin is using maggats for his own, and the orange man’s advancement. While they’re at it, these fools also claim “the Chinese” love the Bidens. Meanwhile, the number 2 man in the Chinese communist party is in Moscow telling Putin how awesome he is.

I know I’m repeating myself here, but I feel that maga morons, donOLD, Marge Traitor Gross, Lauren trouser snake hanky panky, and about half of the corrupt corporate media should be kicked out of the country. Throw the pillow man away at the same time. Treason charges won’t be enough for me.

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What a shame. Putin had all his bots lined up to trash Biden, and Harris is the nominee. No wonder TFG is so angry. Now Putin will have to retrain him.

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You are are so right😀💙

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Political Humor…? There’s nothing funny here. Just scary. Here’s something funny I’m expecting. A new controversy that will rage for a few news cycles. Donald claims that Hannibal Lecter prefers white meat.

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Why audiences are getting their news from comedians: Getting some comedy with your news may help you remember what you’re learning.


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Maybe it is because your red blood count needs iron to stay healthy and strong. And the women Astronaut is having red blood count trouble in space, and she needs to stay healthy. ASAP ! Say well.

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The above is my answer to Trump saying he only eats white meat. No joke intended iron is important to your red blood cells not to become anemic..

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I’ve been following for a while. You might want to read this: https://substack.com/@politicalhumor/note/c-64217719?r=pcltj&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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As a long time expat, currently in Norway, I can attest to Russian physical and cyber interference here too. Plus, one of the spies exchanged for the American hostages 2August had been embedded in a university here which I used to work for. In other words, this sh-t is real, Americans might need to experience a taste of it when Russia blocks a commercial planes gps...

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Former Bernie fan here. I never met a Bernie Bro so I’m glad to find out it was a Russian troll thing. Thank you for posting

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Same here! The mythical "Bernie Bros" have gotten a lot of unfair blame for the deplorable 2016 election results.

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Tell us something we don’t know… Russia have been offering this up since the 80’s they finally found an orange hook to hang their hat on

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It was funny at first, but your bias towards the “Democratic party” of quiet fascism is too glaring. You don’t look witty when you ignore the damage Harris and Biden have inflicted on the world.

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You have given me a lot to think about. Just kidding, lol! No turnip porridge for you, Sergey. Oh, and fuuuuuck Putin!

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Nice try. Born in Music City. Funny how bootlickers will always turn to misinformation or defamation to try and cover their tracks.

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What a coincidence! I am from Music City too! Small world! Do you like sport, fellow American everyman? I like sport! Go local sport team!

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No, sports are just entertainment for the simple minded and easily amused.

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Is that why Russia doesn't have any good sports teams? Because all the young men died as cannon fodder in Ukraine?

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I couldn’t tell you. I don’t pay attention to Russia and Ukraine aside from the fact that Ukraine, NATO, the US, and Israel have a habit of breaking promises, killing people, then passing of the retaliation as terrorism. Trump and Biden have both contributed to it. It’s not nation vs nation or religion vs religion. It’s a fascist imperialistic regime vs the citizens. It’s supremacy ideologies vs humanity. Maybe Russia is just as guilty, but as someone who has been trapped in the heart of the empire from birth, I can guarantee the DNC and GOP are two heads of the same mutated snake.

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Do you happen to be referring to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that the alt-left, spurred on by Russian trolls, like to blame Biden for? The Hamas attack on Israel was likely conceived by Putin, using US classified intelligence on Israeli military operations passed onto Putin by his puppet Trump., which had the purpose & effect of diverting global focus on his brutal war against Ukraine & causing turmoil in the Western world, especially the US, where he hoped to stoke widespread opposition to Biden among key Democratic constituencies & help his puppet to get back in power. His plan worked like magic!

Of course, the alt-left also likes to blame the US & NATO for Putin's totally unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, following disinformational Russian propaganda. Have you fallen for it, too, ignoring the centuries long Russian obsession with invading its neighbors to acquire territory, annihilate its inhabitants, replace with Russians all to expand empire & its hegemony over Europe & Asia? Of course you have! All going to show how effective the Russian trolling & propaganda has been. As it has been, coming from the opposite direction, on the alt-right, which is essentially MAGA, or the bulk of the GOP, who have been even more duped by this Russian operation to divide the US & other Western societies.

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You’re literally describing the Biden administration and Israel too. I don’t understand how you can’t see it unless you’re willfully ignorant of it.

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For those who might find all this difficult to believe, Timothy Snyder's The Road to Freedom meticulously details how Putin did it first in Russia. It's the 'backstory' to what just happened here in the US and it's written in a lovely easy-to-read style that makes the massive amount of information he provides (always with receipts) easier to digest than it might otherwise be. Having read it carefully several years ago, I can say that everything Oliver writes here makes sense on the back of it.

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This is really going to get Ugly... Thank You for your piece this evening, and will reStack ASAP

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Treason is not a Presidential duty. Just a thought.

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If this is true why haven’t “the authorities” acted? Unless of course they are ALL just controlled by oligarchs and the rich no matter what country they’re in of course.

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Already a week after the election, two of the top Google searches are- is it possible to change your vote? and

What is Project 2025?

Buyer's remorse just beginning?

How's the saying go? A fool and their money(also freedom) are soon parted.

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I think it is time to realize that Trump supporters are adults and voted for the kind of government and policies he openly advocated, mass deportation, widespread tariffs, & white male supremacy. Sure Russian trolls had some effect, but they just played to our own greed, selfishness and depravity.

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