This is not a circus or a clown show. This is the inmates running the asylum. Hannibal Lecter like? No wonder fpotus claims him. All these faux news hosts, and guests, picks - all the cabinet nominees are tied to the faux network. This administration is going to be one big "reality" show. A dangerous one, an insane one, and the fpotus only cares about the ratings. The media will accommodate him. This would be a great absurd theater piece if it wasn't our government, set to ruin lives and our former democratic republic.

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>This is the inmates running the asylum.

Yeah, this is like the plot of an absurd comedy, where inmates eat the guards, and then wear their uniforms.

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Craziness for sure!!!

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It’s almost like they are morally bankrupt… Jesus……wept.

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The Last Word just gutted any defence of "pedoman"!

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Unbelievable! What are we teaching the younger generation for God’s sake!!!!!

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Waddya call a group of rapists? An Epstein?

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Trump's cabinet

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I usually block all sites that have porno, but this one looks interesting! 🤣🤣

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If his supporters haven't figured out by now that trump's revenge is much more important that anything he can do to reduce the price of eggs, they won't figure it out until they are $10 a dozen because they can't get people to work on farms with all the immigrants gone. But then again, worm brain does want to force addicts to do farming while they sober up.

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Just do it Marge!

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That MTG is insane. Why hasn't Trump given her a new job yet?

I say tell us all about all of those pedo Republicans so we can get rid of all of them.

And stop letting any of them use taxpayer money to pay off their sec scandals!!!

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Name and shame and prosecute all the perverts and the hypocritical enablers too. That should keep the DOJ busy for quite some time.

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they can run, but they can't hide, as the saying goes.

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Thank you, Marguerite. We'll all tough it out together.

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Think about all the accusations of republicans that democrats are pedophiles that eat babies and once again the ones who are caught or pay off their victims aren't on the left side of the aisle. They accuse us of what they are guilty of.

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People who let boys cosplaying as girls in women’s sports and restrooms should not complain

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Anyone who covers up a pedophile is a pedophile. If you hire a pedophile to run the country you should expect pedophiles running the country with him. Donald blocked the original investigation on Matt, plus the way he handled immigrant children showed that he was a pedophile and yet you voted for him anyway. It didn't seem to bother Americans that a thousand children disappeared. Who cares what color they were. Marge's threat is useless cuz she knows she's in big trouble if she uncovers everybody. These people can be very dangerous. The American people have been talking about sex for freaking 10 years now. That's all a pervert knows that's why Trump is such a f****** idiot and you heard nothing else, except for all the Death In His wake. I've been telling y'all this for years and you thought it was just to get people to hate Trump. Even came up with a name for it. Trump derangement syndrome. The deranged people are the ones following him and normalizing his behavior. Pathetic. Now he's proving everything I said and he always does. The American people make me sick. When they come for your children are you going to smile and go oh look the president wants my child? Congratulations! Are there that many victims of child molestation that it's gotten this bad and normalcy no longer exists? Quit normalizing Trump. Just stop. There is nothing normal about him, nothing. He is truly mentally ill if you even know what that is. Talking about him is normalizing him. It's time to quit talking about him. Nothing he does should surprise you. It's not worth talking about. If there's any normal people left they'll fix it otherwise, you get what you vote for. He probably loves being called a pedophile cuz pedophiles are very proud of being one, just like gays are proud. Yep it's the exact same thing. Sexual perversion is sexual perversion. That's why they can't find a gene for sexual perversion. It's taught. It's called grooming. I told you we'd be having a bunch of pedophiles running this country if Trump wins and I feel so sorry for every child he plans on deporting, cuz I'm sure they won't get deported per se. They love breaking up families cuz they want the kids. I also said they wanted to make rape and murder legal. He surely picked a cabinet to do so

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