Aug 13Liked by Political Humor

Why isn't anyone considering he might have a drinking or drug problem? We know he's depressed due to his polls tanking recently while Kamala surges. Depressed people often turn to drugs or alcohol. Of course, it could be a health issue but sudden slurred speech could be caused by drug or alcohol abuse too.

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I’m wondering if he might have had a mini-stroke. It seems like his facial muscles have changed, become more rigid. But what do I know? He might be impaired as well.

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He should be drug tested and not by his doctor. His doctor also said he was mentally fit. All of the presidential candidates should be tested for illegal drugs in their system, we have to get tested to get government jobs why not the presidential candidates?

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We know he has a drug problem, sniffing adderall every day at minimum. That doesn’t make you slur and lisp. So unless he was drunk, he might have been in the midst of a stroke or something

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Aug 13Liked by Political Humor

quite lovely couple portrait.

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Love that you used my picture in this. Awesome 🙌

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Great picture! Thanks for letting me use it in this post!

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Thought it was quite fitting given they’re so far up each other’s asses. 😝

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Lol yeah it's perfect!

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A match made in hell. After the whatever it was, Trump still did not put his dentures in. The final kiss was a slobbering mess

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Aug 13Liked by Political Humor

I’m going to puke.

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Hilarious, the party of Nancy Pelosi is talking about dentures.

Also where have you been he is campaigning and all over. So I guess this is one of your lies of the day

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Author

Just you? Just one Russian troll today? I'd expect your troll farm to deploy at least 3 or 4 disinformation agents to try to do damage control for this story. Where are your colleagues, Sergey? Have they been sent to Kursk to fight off the Ukrainian counter-invasion? I hear Ukraine now controls over 1000 square kilometers in Russia, and 28 Russian towns. Impressive. Lil Putin must be fuming! Lol!

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Could be you’re wrong. Oh, wait that is a given. But as usual no real response but just a comment that as usual has zero bases of truth.

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English isn't your first language, is it, Sergey?

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Oh look the troll thinks he is smart

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You better pack an escape bag, Sergey. In case you have to evacuate.

Russian TV host says they’ll have to drop nukes inside Russia to stop Ukraine’s invasion of Russia. 😂😂😂 Things are not going so well for Russia's itty bitty 5-foot dictator right now.


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Oh look a troll that thinks that Kamala will save them. Troll, you have no idea what an idiot Kamala is. Question, what has Kamala done while VP?

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You know you are so stupid that it boggles the mind that you the ability to get out of bed. Troll

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You failed again, Sergey. Learn English.

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Funny the only one running is the one who could not answer with one thing that Kamala has accomplished as VP. You failed Troll

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Aug 13Liked by Political Humor

That’s wight Ewon … I can’t stop laughing

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I can't even pay attention to what he's saying because I keep erupting with laughter.

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Why are you even on here spewing diarrhea out your mouth just like your ButBuddy tRump ??? 🤯😵‍💫🤯💩💩💩🤯😵‍💫🤯 Nobody wants to hear Anything you have to say so FCK OFF AH !! 💙💙💙💙

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I realize Kim that hearing truth is hard. But someone has to give it to you. Obviously no one on the left will

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You're a Russian propaganda troll. It's your job to post the exact opposite of the truth, to make Putin and Trump look good.

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A lier would blame the Russians.

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An American would know how to spell "liar."

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A liar would blame anyone but themselves. Better? Oh, right your a liar so you will again blame the Russians

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There is No truth in anything you have said it’s all lies and there is nothing you can say to change my mind or anyone else who knows what you are trying to do so keep your lies and your misinformation to yourself! It’s quite obvious you are apparently are apart of trumps cult and people on here want nothing to do with you! 😡😡

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Hilarious. Funny how anyone who follows Trump is in a cult, but the leftist that follow Harris no matter what are not. That is classic leftist thinking, double standard. You would not know truth if it slapped you

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Apparently spell-check doesn't exist in russian software...

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Elon gonna be SOOOO jealous 😹

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So, if the next administration is democratic, is there any impact on SpaceX’s contracts with the government? I would certainly want to review performance and consider putting them up for a bid. Just to be sure Musk isn’t ripping us off.

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That pic is going to give me nightmares.

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Ewwww… I can't unsee that!

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Putin will be in a sour mood. First Ukraine invades Russia, now Trump's lover is Musk.

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I'll never be able to unsee that. Thanks.

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That at least looks more likely than Taylor Swift endorsing him.

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Elon needs to move his ass to Mars already

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Political humor is a Russian troll.

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